
Hospice of the Ozarks has a team of 90+ volunteers that provide:

  • Sitting with patients (companions)
  • Transportation
  • Running errands
  • Pet Peace of Mind Program
  • Structured Life Review
  • Clerical Assistance
  • Reception at the Hospice House
  • Bereavement support
  • Fundraising activities

For more information about volunteering call Deanna Lind, Volunteer Coordinator, at (870) 508-1771

Hospice volunteers are individuals who have completed a training course for which they receive certification. In an effort to meet the needs of our Hospice patients and caregivers, we encourage you to use our volunteers to sit with your loved one so that you can get a much needed break from your care-giving duties. The services of volunteers are free of drugs and they are not allowed to take any monetary enumeration or accept gifts from the families they serve.
Companions: Volunteer companions are available to come to the patient's home for 1-4 hours to provide you with a break to run errands, go out to lunch, get your hair done, go to a movie or perhaps just go in a room and take a nap in your own home. Volunteers are there to assist, but are discouraged from lifting the patient for safety reasons. They will assist with food & beverages for the patient, read to someone if desired, write notes, chat or just sit quietly while the patient sleeps and is resting. Volunteers do not perform personal care duties.

2024 Volunteer of the Year

Thank You, Volunteers!

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  1. A comprehensive volunteer training class will be required before an individual can be a hospice volunteer.
  2. Individuals interested in volunteering must have a written statement from their physician indicating they are free of communicable disease and are physically able to volunteer for Hospice of the Ozarks.
  3. The Volunteer Coordinator will screen all volunteer applicants for their suitability for hospice work. This will be done after completing the initial training in an individual interview with the Volunteer Coordinator or the Hospice Executive Director in order to assist the volunteer in finding the appropriate category of service.
  4. Volunteers report to and are answerable to the Volunteer Coordinator.
  5. The Volunteer Coordinator will assign volunteers to hospice patients and their family members, schedule all volunteer services to the patients, and will supervise their volunteer help.
  6. Volunteers will receive inservice training at monthly inservice programs. Volunteers who provide direct services to the patients are requested to attend a monthly Volunteer Team Meeting when at all possible.
  7. Volunteer personnel records and hospice volunteer hours and mileage will be kept by the Volunteer Coordinator.
  8. Volunteers will log their time and mileage on the activity record sheet and submit it to the Volunteer Coordinator at the end of each month. Patient contact records will be filled out by volunteers following patient contact and submitted to the Volunteer Coordinator within 7 days of the patient contact.
  9. Volunteers must be willing to submit to a background check, reference checks and provide proof of vehicle insurance if driving for Hospice of the Ozarks.
  10. Volunteers who choose to support Hospice of the Ozarks through fundraising activities and/or clerical/office support, will receive individualized support to perform the tasks.
  11. If any questions, Please call our Volunteer Coordinator, Deanna Lind, C.V.M. at 870-508-1771
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