Grief Support

Grief & Loss Support

caring hands

One of the important services of Hospice of the Ozarks is the wide range of bereavement and grief support services to not only the families of the hospice patient, but also to anyone in north central Arkansas coping with the death and loss of someone important. These services are provided at no cost.


Bereavement support to each family of the hospice patient is offered at a minimum of 13 months after the death of their loved one.

The support consists of:

  •  Phone Calls
  •  Individual Contact
  •  Care Notes Mailings
  •  Support Groups
  •  Memory Pillow Project
  • Grief individualized counseling
  • Memorial Celebration of Life Luncheon
  • Surviving the Holidays Workshop November
  • Literature

Literature, and books are provided in a timely manner in correspondence with the time frame of the loss, and companionship.


One of the unique services we offer is the fact all of these services are also available to anyone in the community living with grief at no cost to them. Not everyone dies with hospice care support. For example, there can be a sudden tragedy, suicide, homicide or accident. For us, it’s not about what brought you to the moment of grief, but rather, that you receive the support and companionship during the course of your journey and is the core of our mission.


We have qualified and experienced bereavement personnel to journey with you as you make your way through this wilderness of grief and loss.

Growing through Grief Support Groups:

Classes will be on consecutive Mondays: 10:00 am - noon. Tuesday evenings: 3:30 pm - 5 pm. The meetings will be at the Hospice of the Ozarks Administration Building: 811 Burnett Drive, Mountain Home, AR 72653. Entry will be on the lower level of the building. For more information, call 870-508-1771 - Charlotte Repp, MCJ, LSW

3rd Thursday of the month at Kirby & Family Funeral Home 717 Central Blvd, Bull Shoals from 2 pm - 4 pm.

These support groups are held by trained facilitators and are open to the community at no charge.

For more information, call 870-508-1771 - Charlotte Repp, LSW, MCJ

Memory Pillows Program

In grief and loss, we seek a way to stay connected to the individual that has died. The Memory Pillows Program are ways to do this. We refer to them as Linking Objects. Memory Pillows are something a family can have made from a loved one's clothing, blanket or any special material and take it home so they can enjoy it every day. Volunteers have been making the Memory Pillows as part of the bereavement service and if you are interested in having a Memory Pillow symbolizing your loved one, please contact our Bereavement Coordinator, Charlotte Repp at 870.508.1771.

Camp Willow

A one-day children’s bereavement camp for children who have experienced the death of a loved one.


Things to know:

  • Registration forms must be completed for each child. Contact our office at 870-508-1771 to request a form. Registration forms can be mailed or turned in at the Hospice of the Ozarks office at 811 Burnett Drive, Mountain Home, AR 72653

  • Space is limited. A spring and fall Saturday camp will be offered.

  • Children must be between the ages of 7-17

  • Parents/guardians will participate with the children, so we ask that one parent/guardian attend. This provides families an opportunity to spend meaningful time together, as our camp model is based on “whole family support.”

  • During the camp, a breakout session will be held for parents/guardians to receive support and information.

  • Liability and Release form to be signed the day of camp.

  • Be prepared to have fun! Campers will participate in arts, crafts, games, learning and memorial activities.

Registration Form
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